Art Collector and Entrepreneur, Tracy Forsyth Gets Candid About Her Colourful Art Collection

Art collectors have a tremendous outlook on colour and how it is seen throughout places and spaces. We had the pleasure of speaking with Art Collector and Entrepreneur, Tracy Forsyth about her background, career, and her tips as an art collector. Tracy comes from quite an international background. With a mother from mainland China and a father from England, Tracy was able to travel often and grew up in Africa and the Middle East.

Currently residing in London, she has planted her roots in the entrepreneurial and artistic field. Tracy found that when she finally got to the top, mentoring and helping others sparked a passion within her like never before which prompted her to start her own consulting agency, Walter and Wootze - the name being a direct tribute to her heritage. Through Walter and Wootze, she is able to help other businesses grow, promote, and empower their women to get into the world of media, which is often not as diverse as it should be.

"My work is all about speaking your truth and being kind to yourself and others"

Tracy at home on the sofa with artwork

Pictured: Tracy Forsyth

A certified coach, portfolio entrepreneur, yoga teacher and mother, Tracy still finds the time to lean into the art world to meet and connect with people and pieces that are timeless.


Connections to Her Collections

What connections, in terms of mental wellness, have you made to art as a collector?

"For me to buy a piece, it really really has to speak to me. I saw Affen Seguns' "The Great Call" piece and I just couldn't take my eyes off of it. I bought it there and then and just knew I would love it. The image of the woman who was beautifully dressed, but in a confident matter, with so many contrasting patterns and colours and her hand on her waist with her chest open...she's speaking..."

The first piece that Tracy acquired as a collector was a piece from New York by Cheryl R. Riley a black American artist, designer and art advisor whose focus is artists of the Black African Diaspora. When looking for a new piece, Tracy looks for a number of things, but most importantly wants to feel a connection to the piece through the artist's origin, the colours and follows her "gut instinct" upon buying. Tracy was not shy to let us know that as a woman who wants to empower other women, she truly has to connect to a piece that she wants to have in her home. The following connections are just to name a few:

  • The confidence showed in women
  • The colours
  • Representation of the voices of women
  • Pieces that have bold messages behind them that inspire her
  • Yellow, mustard, oranges and bright red hues
  • Interesting and bold pieces

Cheryl Riley's mirror art

Tracy's piece by Cheryl R. Riley


Tracy's Gallery Wall at Home

If you ever get the pleasure of taking part in a video conference with Tracy, you'll most likely have a lovely view! Tracy has an amazing gallery wall in her home that embraces colour like no other. "In the beginning, my husband painted the pictures, because we could not always buy, but we had a love of colour and an appreciation of art. Every room in our home was different, and this one became a place where everything came together," she tells us.

Tracy's gallery wall

A Corner of Tracy's Gallery Wall


Advice From the Heart

When we asked Tracy for advice about installing our very own creative background, she gave the following hints:

  • “Dare to be bold” - you can always change it around
  • Paint a background wall to create a contrasting colour that your art will compliment
  • Theme things by colour or by fanatics (i.e. women’s empowerment.. almost like an alter that will send you to a “happy place”)
  • Be courageous and follow your instincts

Now that the world has gone digital, Tracy has the perfect background for her webinars and zoom calls. "It's almost like a set as well now," says Tracy. She believes that painting is like "hair", you can always go back if you don't like it. We're left with great advice and the confidence to decorate with colour and explore.

"In a way, you can learn things and get tips from other people, but at the end of the day it's unique to you and it's your space. If it's impactful to you, it's great and if it's impactful to others, that's a bonus."


Tracy at home

Keep up with Tracy's ventures by following her on Instagram @tracyforsythcoach and by visiting her website


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